Published on Thursday, 26 March 2020 at 11:13:25 AM
Measures announced by the Prime Minister after the National Cabinet meeting on 24 March have been widely promoted and it is up to us all to follow these guidelines and do the right thing:
If we want to slow the spread of the virus,
Drastic measures had already been put in place, particularly with the closure of a wide range of venues earlier this week.
Please do not ignore this advice. There should be no congregating in groups which puts each other, and the entire community, at risk.
The following activities and venues are now prohibited:
- Auction houses, real estate auctions and open house inspections (private appointments for inspections allowed)
- Beauty therapy, tanning waxing, nail salons, tattoo parlours
- Spas and massage parlours
- Hairdressers and barber shops (limited to 30 minute appointments)
Cafes, restaurants and food courts (restricted to takeaway and home delivery only)
- Pubs, bars and nightclubs
- Casinos, gaming and gambling venues
- Adult entertainment venues
- Concert venues, theatres, arenas, auditoriums, stadiums and cinemas
- Amusement parks and arcades
- Play centres (indoor and outdoor)
- Community and recreation centres (except for hosting essential voluntary or public services, such as food banks or homeless services)
- Health clubs, fitness centres, yoga, barre and spin facilities, saunas, bathhouses and wellness centres
- Boot camps, personal training operating outside and inside (outdoor events limited to groups of no more than 10 people)
- Social sporting-based activities
- Swimming pools
- Galleries, museums, national institutions and historic sites
- Libraries, community centres, and youth centres
- Local government non-essential facilities and services (such as libraries and pools)
- Community facilities (such as community halls, clubs, RSLs, PCYCs)
- Places of worship
- Weddings (maximum attendance of 5 people)
- Funerals (maximum attendance of 10 people)
It's also very important that we minimise all unnecessary contact with others - that means that:
- Continuing social distancing - keeping 1.5m away from others wherever possible
- Avoiding unnecessary physical contact
- Stay home - especially if you are sick
- Avoid having gatherings, even at home, of more than a few people
We need to work together. Everyone doing their part will make a huge difference in the fight to stop the spread of COVID-19.
These are extreme, and incredibly difficult times - thank you to everyone doing their duty and doing the right thing.
Please continue to follow WA Health’s website for the latest alerts and information regarding COVID-19
For further queries, please contact: Chris Linnell, CEO. Email: Tel: 9641 2233
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