Past Event
We're back in 2021!
All entries have been judged and the winners are:
1. Open Colour: $400.00: Winning Entry : "The Edge of the Wave" by Jill Westenberg;
2. Creative Photography: $400.00 : Winning Entry "Observation Deck" by Jill Westenberg;
3. Monochromatic: $400 : Winning entry "Entry to Nannup" by Warren Gibson;
4. York Subject - in any of the above categories: $500.00 : Winning entry "Destination York" York, by Lillian Bode
5. Viewers' Choice Award - $100.00
Exhibition will be open 10 - 4pm daily until Monday 5th April 2021.
For enquiries ring 0428 322 167 or Email: arts.yorksociety@westnet.com.au
To view the entries and results of the 2020 Photographic Awards : (10) Act-Belong-Commit The York Society Photographic Awards | Facebook